Dramatical Murder Anime
Of the 101759 characters on Anime Characters Database, 23 are from the h-game DRAMAtical Murder.
If you are not patient enough to reach the sixth episode (meaning spend over an hour), don't even start. Everything that happens until the fifth episode is fast, exciting and mysterious but with no closures! Many things happened and let you hanging, others are like you skipped an episode. Personally, when I got what all this was about I decided I wasn't interested and that's why I rated it with 4 (for wasting my time). But it's graphics and writing are good.
Freejack pendant lighting. If you are patient and the concept earn you you will probably like it (although I don't know the ending to support this theory). Personally, I think 12 episodes are not enough to conclude such a deep story. Up to episode 6 there were so many questions unanswered that it would take at least 24 I think.
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