Dino Crisis Characters
Advertisement(1) to strengthen digital sales,(2) to bolster their title lineup through the full-scale execution of their 60-month and 52-week maps,(3) to awaken dormant intellectual properties.What really gets me excited here is the third goal: to “awaken dormant intellectual properties”. After all, Capcom has a lot of amazing but “dead” IPs that people love– Darkstalkers, Dino Crisis, Onimusha, Ōkami, Viewtiful Joe, Rival Schools, Final Fight, Ghosts ‘n Goblins. If Capcom revives any one of these series, they’d make a lot of fans very happy.Darkstalkers 4, for instance, is probably my deepest desire in the whole world. The character roster of Darkstalkers is incredibly eclectic and interesting, and I’d love to see them reinvented for next-generation platforms. That said, I will not get my hopes up. I refuse to have my heart broken.
Dinocrisis-regina Finally, there's the player character, Regina. As often the case with player characters, she receives the least characterization. The lead character for Dino Crisis 2. Firearms expert and deadly with a machette, he is reliable in any given situation involving known hostiles. While not directly involved with the main game, he is an unlockable character for the minigame Dino Colliseum.
There’s just no way Capcom plans to give this to me.I do think Dino Crisis 4 is a very distinct possibility, though. Capcom’s, and it seems like it would suit “ Resident Evil with dinosaurs” perfectly. It’s funny– Dino Crisis initially released on the heels of a lot of Resident Evil success, and it looks like history may repeat itself.
F1 2002 serial key. I wonder if we’ll see a new Onimusha a little further down the line, too.