Apex Legends Characters
Contents Story and SettingApex Legends takes place in a region of on the fringes called. The is over, with the presumed defeat of the; the exact timing of the end of the war is not certain. With neither the IMC nor the to exert order upon the war-ravaged Frontier, the intervening time allowed the birth of a new competitive bloodsport known as the. The Apex Games are presumed to be founded and organized by, founder of the original mercenary unit and veteran of the Frontier War. The island of was a region formerly rich in resources, but it is now a dedicated bloodsport island home to the finest hunters and gladiators on the Frontier, the primary site of the Apex Games. GameplayApex Legends is a first-person shooter, as the previous mainline games in the Titanfall series.
Unlike the previous games, however, Apex Legends is an ongoing live service game with no single-player campaign or traditional multiplayer matchmaking. The game is a 'hero shooter,' where players play as discrete, individualized characters with their own designs, personalities, stories and special abilities. The primary format of the game is a 'battle royale,' where players airdrop onto a remote island with no supplies on their person; they must scavenge equipment from the environment and fight against others in an ever-shrinking free-for-all battlefield, with the winner being the last man standing.Players play as ', hero characters similar to the or classes found in. Standard matches in Apex Legends are played in squads of three, fighting against nineteen other squads for a total of twenty squads - 60 players - in any given match. The winners - the game's Apex Champions - are the last squad standing after all other squads are eliminated.LegendsBefore a game begins, the three members of the squad are placed in random order and given a few seconds apiece to pick their Legend for the game; Legend choice within the squad is first-come-first-serve, and duplicate Legends are not allowed (two teammates cannot pick the same character).
Following the typical battle royale format when it comes to spawning and weapon choices, it is the Apex Legends characters that really help set the game apart from other in the genre.
From best to worst characters, here is GGRecon's definitive Apex Legends tier list.
Apex Legends has 12 playable characters to date, each with their own strengths and weaknesses which contribute directly to their chance of victory and becoming the Apex Champions.
Apex Legends characters belong to four distinct categories; Offensive, Defensive, Recon & Support, so it makes sense that teams should include a variety of these options to succeed, or one Legend belonging to two if you’re queued up for duos.
GGRecon's definitive tier list ranks the best Apex Legends characters, down to the worst..
S – Pathfinder, Wraith, Gibraltar
Widely known as the most powerful and useful Legends, these three Apex Legends characters make up our S tier. The range of movement these characters possess & ultra-damaging airstrikes make up the top tier of Legends, for pure usability alone. As a trio these three are unstoppable, rotating around the map like it’s nothing, with Gibby’s ult ready to rain down some destruction at regular intervals. Let’s go over what makes these three the best Apex Legends characters.
His grapple is polished, and so is his gameplay! Pathfinder (affectionately known as Path) is the wholesome robot Legend just looking for his creator. His movement abilities are by far the most powerful of all the Apex Legends characters, again, allowing for ease of rotation across the map, and during engagements. Especially in Apex Ranked, Path’s beacon passive comes in handy for positioning in the final circles.
Wraith is one of the most popular characters for pro players – for good reason. She is perfect for pushing, retreating & rotating, making her an easy choice for S tier. Her tactical movement abilities are massively influential on matches, helping her escape tough engagements or third-partying, or to push teams at the drop of a hat (or the charge of an ultimate). In tournaments, you will always see a Wraith in every team, and it’s easy to see why. Her portals and void-walking are invaluable on any trio, as well as her low-profile stature. She’s the closest character type to a ninja that we’ve seen in Apex Legends.
Gibby’s main strength is his Fortified status. Taking 15% less damage thanks to his rather large stature, he can charge into gunfights with relative ease. Pair that with his 75HP gun shield, which covers his whole torso, and you’ve got a recipe for success. His dome shield sig protects his team, while also providing faster revives & healing. He’s an all-rounder as well as a tank.
A – Lifeline, Wattson
While Lifeline & Wattson both hold the low-profile ability, making their hitbox harder to hit (but taking more damage), the small sneaky ladies don’t quite boast as many useful abilities as their fellow Legends in S Tier. They aren't quite the best Apex Legends characters, but they aren't far off.
The Jamaican healer fills an important role on any squad, from her D.O.C healing drone to her care packages, and fast-heal passive, but for teams wanting to be a little more aggressive, she can be more of a hindrance. However, those with the know-how, who have read up on their Apex Legends tips, can use Lifeline to their advantage, making use of her protective resurrection shield for fast combat rezzing.
Wattson is one of the members you will always see included in any Apex Ranked or Apex Legends competitive team, and for good reason. Her electric fence ability holds positions to perfection, while her ultimate Interception Pylon destroys grenades and airstrikes that go anywhere near her teammates, while also charging their shields. In this way, she’s not only a Defensive character but also Support (although she isn’t canonically in this category). Finding out where teams are pushing from by securing the area behind you, or any nearby entry/exit points, is invaluable. Camping or hiding and using your perimeter fences to defend an area is very useful, but Wattson herself isn’t the best Apex character.
Tf2 item hack. Some cheats (while playing on a server) will require the prefix 'admincheat'. In singleplayer, you don't need to worry about a prefix.
- Read More - Best Apex Legends Ranked Characters
B – Bangalore, Caustic, Bloodhound, Revenant
This bunch may seem like they do a lotta damage, but even Flex Tape can’t hold them together in certain situations.
Bangalore is a starter character, a soldier with a solid base of abilities for anyone new to Apex to enjoy. Perhaps they’ve migrated over from COD and want a taste of that same military action. Her double-time passive is helpful to dart quickly away from a nasty gunfight, and her smoke grenades are pretty good for cover Her airstrike, although the name alone should strike fear into your heart, isn’t that powerful. ‘Rolling Thunder’ as it’s called, is not nearly as damaging as Gibraltar’s Bombardment, which rains down on opponents like hellfire, and takes some time to activate after the rockets drop into the terrain. Other Apex Legends with more tactical & super-power-esque abilities pip her to the post on making a higher tier.
Caustic is one big bad boy, with toxic abilities. This mad scientist makes the B tier for a few reasons. While his gas canisters can be annoying to pass by, they are easily spotted and taken care of with one bullet, and if you have a Wraith on your team, you’ll also be privy to an advanced warning of the gas’ presence. Caustic does have the Fortified buff (just like Gibby) but without a gun shield, meaning he’s still a huge target for SMG spray-downs. Caustic’s ultimate gas cloud is rather painful, and slows enemies, but doesn’t cover a large enough area. Given a buff, Caustic could make A tier.
Bloodhound’s recent buff to their scan range helped their level of usability increase significantly, as did the addition of 15 seconds per knock being added to the Beast of the Hunt ultimate. However, they still aren’t ranked highly enough (in our humble opinion) to reach A. The reasons for this are few, but important. One is the large hitbox Bloodhound possesses, yet doesn’t get the Fortified buff, making them an open target on the battlefield. Another is the tracking passive, which doesn’t really help in any strategic way, apart from securing the knowledge that “someone walked here a bit ago”. Finally, Bloodhound is basically a human digital-threat scope, and only becomes a bit more useful because of their speed during their ultimate duration.
Even with recent updates to Revenant's abilities, he still can’t stack up to the S & A tier Legends. No one has found quite the right way to use the Simulacrum yet, but so far during his reign as the newest Apex Legends character, his abilities are leaving much to the imagination. Even given his last buff where his Silence ability was doubled, most opponents still find a way to continue the fights, even without phasing or grappling, so it doesn’t really pose much of a threat. Revenant’s Death Totem Ultimate ability provides his teammates with a second chance at life, and in a recent update, now adds more health and shields on resurrecting when returning to the totem after being ‘downed’. The totem itself must be placed in the perfect position for returning teammates, where another team can’t lay in wait for their arrival. You’re still left without full health, meaning enemies thirsty for kills can camp you out.
C – Mirage, Octane, Crypto
This bunch of Apex Legends Characters are in the bottom C tier for a reason. Both Mirage & Octane bring nothing to a team apart from selfishness & a penchant for high-tier items (you try keeping hold of that Gold Shield you dibsed when an Octane is around…), and Crypto is a heat-seeking camera with skin.
Crypto is one of the newest Legends and didn’t receive a warm welcome. His skills should translate into a meaningful teammate but miss the mark completely. His EMP Ultimate is very easy to recover from, and his drone (even with health added) can be taken down and won’t be able to be sent out again for a hefty 40 seconds. While his Recon skills may seem useful from the outside, in play they rarely amount to much more than learning the vital information; “there’s a team that’s going to kill us over there”.
Mirage is egotistical by nature, so it makes sense that Mirage mains play him in just the same way. Ok, we’ll give him some credit, bamboozles are funny, but his decoys and ultimate do nothing in the way of strategy unless this particular Mirage player is a master at using that to his advantage and flanking. His decoys can bamboozle enemies into revealing their position, but his abilities go no further to use that information for an attack. He’s fun to play, but his abilities need a big buff before he becomes a viable option for Apex Legends Ranked or Apex Legends Competitive. Many players go to online forums to complain about all of his abilities, his decoys especially, posing the question of why he only has two, when three decoys running around wouldn’t go amiss. Also, his ultimate needs to be more reactive to the landscape, and maybe, I don’t know, move a bit?
Jumpy-runny man is part of C Tier for a reason. He’s fast and furious, sorry, he makes his teammates furious with his speedy stealing. Again, incredibly fun to play, but as for his abilities; are they worthwhile? The self-healing is massively helpful, and the stim can be used effectively in scenarios where you decide to push at the last second or retreat defensively. The jump-pad is a movement ability the whole team can enjoy but isn’t as effective as a Zipline or Portal. The bottom line is; Octane is not helpful.
Where Will Loba Rank?
The rumoured new Apex Legends character for the dawn of Season 5 is Loba. The ‘Translocating Thief’ is rumoured to have teleportation abilities, as well as loot-stealing. She could be a necessity on any team who wants to get kitted-out to the max before entering the fight. Depending on how her abilities pan out, she could be one of the best Apex Legends characters and land herself in Tier S or A.
Do you agree or disagree with our Apex Legends Tier List? Let us know on Twitter @GGRecon_
Images via Respawn Entertainment