Transistor Theory

Transistor Theory Illustrated re TRANSISTOR theory may be learned more readily than otherwise by first having an understanding of a two-element device, or diode. Therefore, this manual presents first the theory of diodes, as introduction to the theory of the three-element transistors. DIODE THEORY.
.Start hereThe TransistorStory -'The transistor wasprobably the most important invention of the 20th Century, and the storybehind the invention is one of clashing egos and top secret research.' The First Point ContactTransistorThis picture shows the workbench ofJohn Bardeen and Walter Brattain at Bell Laboratories.
They were supposed tobe doing fundamental research about crystal surfaces. The experimental resultshadn't been very good, though, and there's a rumor that their boss, WilliamShockley, came near to canceling the project. But in 1947, workingalone, they switched to using tremendously pure materials.
It dawned onthem that they could build the circuit in the picture. It was a workingamplifier! John and Walter submitted a patent for the first workingpoint contact transistor.
Shockley was furious and took their work andinvented the junction transistor and submitted a patent for it 9 days later. The three shared a Nobel Prize.Bardeen and Brattain continued in research (and Bardeen later won anotherNobel). Shockley quit to start a semiconductor company in Palo Alto. Itfolded, but its staff went on to invent the integrated circuit (the'chip') and to found Intel Corporation.
By 1960, all important computersused transistors for logic, and ferrite cores for memory. Memory chipsreplaced core in the 1970's.1. A transistor is a small electronic device thatcan cause changes in a large electrical output signal by small changes in asmall input signal. That is, a weak input signal can be amplified (madestronger) by a transistor. For example, very weak radio signals in theair can be picked up by a wire antenna and processed by transistor amplifiersuntil they are strong enough to be heard by the human ear. A transistorconsists of three layers of silicon or germanium semiconductor material.Impurities are added to each layer to create a specific electrical positive ornegative charged behavior.
'P' is for a positive chargedlayer and 'N' is for a negative charged layer. Transistors areeither NPN or PNP in the configuration of the layers. There is noparticular difference here except the polarity of voltages that need to beapplied to make the transistor operate. The weak input signal is applied tothe center layer called the base and usually referenced to ground which isalso connected to the bottom layer called the emitter. The larger outputsignal is take from the collector also referenced to ground and the emitter.Additional resistors and capacitors are required along with at least one DCpower source to complete the transistor amplifier.
You should havealready studied the basic electricity and basic electronics sections of thisweb site and have a fairly good understanding of how resistors and capacitorseffect electrical circuits. A typical transistor amplifier isshown below.Introduction to the transistor:A silicon bipolar transistor - BASICS - watch the video.transistor links. (Ref:.)(Ref:.)(Ref:.)Manufactures use their own type indictors asprefixes grouped as follows. There are complete lines of replacementtransistors such as Philips ECG, and (or, ) with their own unique numbering systems. (Note:NTE downloaded software requires a registration form to be completed but thesoftware is free.MJ:Motorola power, metal caseMJE: Motorola power, plastic caseMPS: Motorola low power, plastic caseMRF: Motorola HF, VHF and microwave transistorRCA: RCARCS: RCSTIP: Texas Instruments power transistor (plastic case)TIPL: TI planar power transistorTIS: TI small signal transistor (plastic case)Examples- ZTX202, TIP324, MJE34055, TIS20.Also seeEurope5. LINKS: (Including pin-outs).data of many common transistors. a small program to find transistor data, over 1400 transistor typeslisted, includes also text file format of the specifications.
power components with BD, BU, BUL, R,TIC, TIP, TIPL, TISP, Y and EL prefixes. very large collection of discretecomponent datasheets. This database currently has over 40,000transistors in it which can be cross-referenced to other parts. very complete forsemiconductorsYou can find more transistordata sheets to download(NOTE: These arepicture.tif files and they may not print out directly.
If that is thecase for you paste the URL into a paint image program that can handle TIFfiles and print them from there.This databasecurrently has over 40,000 transistors in it.Description: Based on Pacific Semiconductor's 40,000 transistors database.Transistor Cross Reference:(and SK) Transistor CrossReferencetransistorsGuide to how to substitute a transistorSmall program to aide transistor substitution(very small database but you can add your own)Replacing Transistors TipsCrossReference:SEMICONDUCTORDIODES (IntegratedPublishing: )- Lets not forget our lowly diode semiconductor. This is a simple PNjunction but there are a number of special use diodes out there.Interested in finding out more about diodes? Then try this link.Light Emitting Diodes -LED Circuits., Faster, and more reliable Create winning designs with ToshibaIntegratedCircuits.
(pin connections etc). (pin connections etc)Linksto University and Industry Laboratorieswhatis?comTRANSISTORS.AM Receiver BasicsFM Receiver BasicsThe M31 Galaxy ofTransistor Radios is a.
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Plus much, much more!.ELECTRONICS PAGE:.AMATEUR RADIO PAGE:CSG - Computer Support GroupANDCALCULATORNew From: This requires the use of enabled and capable browsers. Our calculator determines themath of transistors, based on data entered. Our defaultconditions are calculated on loading of the calculator but canbe changed and recalculated. Data entry is on the left, arepresentative schematic is in the middle and results are onthe right two areas. You can pass your mouse (or click on it)over the blue underlined text in the calculator to obtain moreinformation about that area.InputsVoltagesComponent Values.