Double Dribble Rule Basketball
Double dribble is a basketball term it means to dribble ( bouncing the ball while running) thethe ball then stop bouncing the ball and start dribbling again. It can also mean to bounce the ball. Geist reservoir water levels. Double Dribble There are many rules to the game of basketball. One rule is to never double dribble. Have you ever played a game of basketball and realized a teammate or opponent was double.
Comments 5/16/2011 7:55:37 AM amandasaid:brilliant tip thanks6/8/2011 1:39:08 PM jongbertsaid:but i saw many people in the NBA hold the ball with two hands and start moving by dribbling. 12:14:43 PM anomunoussaid:i have always heard that a double dribble means to driddle stop driblling hold the ball then start dridiling again but that is my oppinion1/10/2012 1:00:55 PM sean garrasaid:why is it used1/26/2012 3:25:58 PM alex lawlorsaid:when i played basketball i got told when you dribblethe ball and then you stop you are not allowed to start again till you get the ball after you passed it to someone2/28/2012 5:51:11 PM Anonymoussaid:Good Tips.BUT YOU COULD DO WITH MORE INFORMATIONName.
Retrieved 27 August 2014. Evidence suggests Chileans, possibly including Pinochet, pronounced his surname both with and without the final /t/. . Dictator in chief. 27 August 2014. Recordings with the t-dropping, and more common, pronunciation can be found at.