Across Ages Walkthrough
NOT-OD-18-116: NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Individuals Across the Lifespan as Participants in Research Involving Human Subjects. This policy revises previous policy and guidelines regarding the inclusion of children in research. Changes to the policy include (1) the applicability of the policy to individuals of all ages, (2). For Across Age DX on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), Walkthrough by Yomendou.
Welcome to the WalkthroughWhen minotaurs attack, only you can save the day.Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.This document contains a complete Awakening: The Golden Age game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.Remember to visit the if you find you need more help.
Walkthrough Menu.General Tips. This is the official guide for Awakening: The Golden Age.
Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs.
Welcome to the Exile Walkthrough The third Myst adventure, Exile, begins some 10 years after Atrus was imprisonedby his sons beneath K'veer Island and the subsequent destruction of Riven.If you haven't played the other games then a bit of background informationcan be found on thepages.Here you will find all the solutions to puzzles but be warned, there ismuch more to Exile than is given here. Take time to explore before you test,press, operate or use objects. Draw maps, diagrams and charts, take lotsof notes and enjoy the marvellous ages that open up in front of you. Andremember, as with any walkthrough, use the hints given here sparingly.The game begins overlooking the desert in an age called Tomahna whereyou are met. She greets you and ask that you wait in Atrus's study whilehe prepares for a visit to Releeshan. Go through the doors and look around.Behind the desk is a linking book, with a broken link to Ghen's Age in Riven.Read the note on the desk and examine the objects both on the desk andshelves.
On the other side of the room is a pedestal. Inside is the.
Turn round and Atrus greets you in preparation for thejourney to Releeshan. Suddenly it all goes horribly wrong. J'NANINArriving in J'nanin you see the thief disappear around the corner, up aladder and into the that dominatesthe island. You follow but he has locked the door behind him. What you needis another way into the tower but first, take time to explore the island.If you cannot wait then read on.Go back down the ladder and onto the curved pathway. On the right is aladder leading down to a beach.
Go down and turn right, following the beachto the end. Up and to the right is a post with a lens arrangement on thetop. Take a look in the lenses and note the colour of the ball on the top.Clicking on the bar below the lenses rotates the post. You will notice thatthe lenses reflect other objects. Interesting - maybe there is a patternhere? (If you have explored the island you will have found 7 posts).
Lookingaround you can see a circular object on top of another post with a pedestalclose. Looking closer you see a wheel and a dome in the sea. Leave itfor now and follow the path around the crater. Halfway down is a brokenpost. At the end are some stairs leading up and down.At the top is a tusk with a locked door (why are the doors always locked?).If you look up above the door there is a little window.
Is there a symbolengraved on the window? In front of the door is some sort of focussing device.This is an excellent place to. Apart from the central tower you can see two other tusks, mostof the lens posts, stairs, bridges and pathways. Go all the way down thestairs and through a windy place (remember the sound) until you end up facinga.Go into the greenhouse and pull the handle. The gate opens so go forwardto the entrance in to the tower (locked again).
Turn round, press the largebutton and enter the tower.Inside appears to be a.On the bed is Saavedro's book, take the time to read it, there may be someclues inside. Next to the hammock is a balance. Note the size and positionsof the weights.
Looking around you will see an experiment on the table thatyou can play with. Also take careful note of the other experiments especiallythose with balanced balls. There is an alcove with a cylindrical woodenstructure, go round the back and open the door.
Go inside, pull the handleand up you go. Look into the tower and you can see the thief (Saavedro)- he thinks you are Atrus. He does something with a machine and a cage rises.Nothing more to do here so go back down.Leave the elevator and look around. Maybe you can operate the lever fromthe outside? Get it right and the elevator leaves without you. Down belowis a pit, jump inside and look at the.
Hmm, this seems similar to the diagrams in Saavedro's book. Setthe four mechanisms and climb out. Bring the lift back and get inside. Pullthe handle and this time the elevator rotates. Open the door and you seeSaavedro link out and the cage disappear. And look around.
On the floor are some more of Saavedro'spages. You will keep finding these all over the place. Press the blue buttonon the central railing, three projectors open and Atrus appears but is hijackedby Saavedro who tells you to find the 3 symbols.Go to any of the projectors and note the symbol etched onto the viewerlens. Experiment with the controls to discover that left lever controlsthe zoom, the right the focus and moving across the lens adjusts the position.As you move the controls a series of marbles rotate around the screen. Youneed to with the littlewindows on each of the tusks - this is the first part in gaining accessto the linking books.
With each of the viewers aligned, take note of themarble positions.With this puzzle completed, you now need to find the three linking books.Pull the lever next to the door to send the lift down and step through thedoor. The lock mechanism for the outside door is now exposed and you canleave the tower.You can visit the three ages in any order. This is how I did it.THE AMATERIA LINKING BOOKFrom the tower, go towards the nearest tusk. On the far left of the lastrock is a hole with a ladder going down. Unfortunately thereis something blocking the path. Climb back out and look along the rock behindthe tusk.
Right at the end is a ladder. In front of you are two levers, a walkway leadingto the tusk and the cylinder that was blocking the way.
Pulling on the leversmoves the cylinder around. You need to get the cylinder at the far righthand end and the ladder back where it started. The correct sequence is Left,Right, Left, Right.Climb back up the ladder and go back down the hole.
The way is now freeto the tusk, open the door. Somebody has smashed the floor.Use the levers to roll the cylinder back into the now open linking bookroom. The sequence is Left, Left, Right, Right.Return to the tusk and align the marbles on the pedestal to the same positionyou set them in the tower:Now press the button in the middle. A cage lowers and reveals the linkingbook to Amateria. Off you go.THE AGE OF AMATERIAA very oriental island.
There is a largein the middle, some suspended tracks and athat you cannot get to. Step onto the path leading to the central pagoda.On your left is a hexagonal control panel with lots of buttons. You cansee two more units that must be the keys to close the gaps in the walkway.Three boxes probably means three puzzles. You can complete them in anyorder.
GOOD VIBRATIONSFrom your arrival point head off across the bridge. At the next intersectionis a linking book back to J'nanin Follow the path into the tunnel, downthe stairs and turn right at the intersection.Go past the elevator and follow the path. Towards the end there is a ladderon the right. Climb up and go down the track until you reach the controlpanel on the left. Pull the lever.
There are lots of buzzes and thrums but ignore them for now. Startthe machine and watch. A silver ball rolls into the rollercoaster and shatters.But note the sequence on the control panel. Copy down the five shapes thatthe little marble passes through. This is the track sequence.
Go back downto ground level and carry on along the path, follow the wooden path andhop across the stepping stones. At the end climb up onto the track and turnleft. From the centre of the rollercoaster there are five exits (plus theway you came in).Note: There is another way into the rollercoaster, but I will you findthat on your own.You now have to follow the path the ball would take. Start by going straightahead.
At the far end is a vibrating force field on the right and a platformin front of you. Climb down to the platform and look right.
Click on the. You have to setthe lever to the first shape you noted. Back onto the track and walk intothe force field: vvvvveerrrrryyyy ammmusssing.Now follow the track all the way to the end - setting each lever to thecorrect position.The solution is: From the centre of the puzzle, go down the track leadingto the setting sun. Set the lever to the 10 o 'clock position. Go throughthe force field, follow the track down and go straight through the junction.Set the lever to the 12 o'clock position. Carry on along the track and straightacross the central junction. Set the lever to the 2 o'clock position.
Followthe track down and take the central exit. Set the lever to the 4 o'clockposition.
Carry on along the track, across the central junction and setthe final lever to the 6 o'clock position. You should now be above a bunchof hexagonal rocks.Return to the main control panel and start the ball rolling.
Enjoy watchingthe ball roll around the rollercoaster and away. The cover of the controlpanel half closes and you see a little bridge rise out of the water. Atthe end the cover fully closes and reveals a pattern.
Note the pattern andthe colour:COUNTERBALANCEFrom your arrival point head off across the bridge. At the next intersectionis a linking book back to J'nanin Follow the path into the tunnel, downthe stairs and turn right at the junction.Jump into the elevator and pull the lever. At the top look around. Thereis metal channel balanced (key word here) on a massive gear wheel and atrack at either end. Take a good look at the ball at the left hand end.Recognize the materials - you saw something similar in Saavedro's workroom.Turn around, pick up some more pages and go down.Turn right and follow the path round to the right.
Across the wooden pathand onto a mudbank enclosing a.Halfway along is a platform. Pull the lever on the left and take a shortride up. Play with the controls. The three levers in the centre adjust theposition of the wheel which acts as a fulcrum. The other lever activatesthe pagoda and releases a silver ball. Watch the sequence carefully andtry to work out what is happening.
It is all about balance.Pull the lever to go back down and carry on along the mudbank. At the endis a little building. Go inside and behold: there is the balance weight.Recall what you saw in Saavedro's workroom: the balance with the stick menand the balance with the ball. And remember the construction of the ballup the lift.
Put all this information together to solve the puzzle. Stuck?Here is the solution:1 iron ball balanced 4 crystal balls and 1 crystal ball balanced 4 woodenballs.
This gives us: iron = 16, crystal = 4, wood. = 1The released ball had 1 crystal and 7 wood segments giving a total weightof 11 (4 + 7).From the stick man balance, with the fulcrum at the very left hand end,the counterbalance must be twice the weight (obviously the makers did notunderstand physics but never mind).Therefore the counterbalance must weigh 22. The combination that worksis 6 wood and 1 iron = 6 + 16 = 22.So, add.Go back to the control panel, rise up, set the fulcrum to the left, activatethe machine - and watch.
If all goes well the ball passes through the chute,the cover of the control panel half closes and you see a little bridge riseout of the water. At the end the cover fully closes and reveals a pattern.Note the pattern and the colour:PINBALLFrom the arrival point go down the ladder (towards the glowing rocks),across a wooden walkway and up onto a mossy path. Halfway down turn rightand go through the gate. Pull the lever next to the control panel and.Below you are three pegs which fit into the holes in the two wheels. Ifyou pull the lever across a silver ball rushes down the track and into acup. The wheels rotate. The ball shatters.
The puzzle hereis to set the pegs in the correct sequence so that the silver ball is flippedback and forth without breaking or falling into the sea. It would be easyif Saavedro had not damaged one of the pegs. If frustration gets the betterof you the pegs should be placed like this:With the pegs in place start the machine and enjoy the tennis match. Whenit is over the cover of the control panel half closes and you see a littlebridge rise out of the water. At the end the cover fully closes and revealsa pattern.
Note the pattern and the colour:THE CENTRAL PAGODAWith all three puzzles complete, it is time to enter the central pagoda.Return to the little platform where you arrived. Go to the first hexagonalpedestal and key in any of the patterns and look to your right.
If the floorcloses all is well. Do the same for the next two pedestals and enter thecentral pagoda. If it does not work then it means you have not solved allthe puzzles.Inside the pagoda watch out for an impressive appearing. Climb up and sit down.You can press the button and listen to Saavedro's moaning if you wish oralternatively, pull the handle above the the viewer and leap like a salmoninto the night sky. You are now with a complex little puzzle in front of you.
Remember thebridges that rose up when you solved the puzzles? The button panels werecoloured blue, yellow and green for the right, center and left bridges.The trick here is to set the dials so that the track is continuous and endsup at the red marker. If you cannot solve the puzzle here is the solution:When you are ready look up and press the blue button to start the sequenceand prepare yourself for an astounding ride.At the end, the Amateria symbol reveals itself and you can return to J'naninthrough the linking book. ACTIVATING THE SYMBOLSOn your return from each of the ages you arrive in the tower on J'naninGo to the imager next to the blue button. Place the symbol from your inventoryon the imager.
The cage rises from the depths and Saavedro has another digat you. Ignore him.THE VOLTIAC LINKING BOOKFrom the tower head for the dome you saw in the sea (near the yellow lens).Turn the handle until the sunlight is at (4 clicks). Sunlight is amplified through the reflector ontothe yellow post. Stand with your back to the incoming beam and rotate theassembly until a beam of.
Look into the lens and you can see where it is pointing. Fantastic,all you need to do now is align all 7 posts and take note of the order.The colour sequence is: Yellow, Blue,Green, Red, Yellow,Purple, RedLooking through the last lens you can see ashining on the tusk. Run round there now and look at the created by the prism device. Press the buttons in the sameorder you set them and the door opens.Align the marbles on the pedestal to the same position you set them upin the tower:Now press the middle button. A cage lowers and reveals the linking bookto Voltiac. Off you go.THE VOLTAIC AGEYou arrive in the Voltaic Age on a metal walkway facing a.
Go to the building and face the door whichis locked (again!). To your left is a pedestal with a linking book to J'naninBehind you is a walkway leading nowhere.
Go to the end anyway. Looking aroundyou can see tower with a platform on the top and behind it a turret abovea wooden door.
There seems to be lots of cables, trackways and strange mechanismsabout. Perhaps you need to get power from somewhere?
Follow the walkwaynow into the cliff. Inside there is a doorway on the right. Pop inside andwalk forwards (watch out for more pages) until you come to a junction. Tothe left is another locked door. You can explore the right hand tunnel nowif you want but we come back later anyway.Go back out, turn right and follow the path into a.
What can you see: a path leading past a tower and a massive,round, metal structure at the other end. Investigate the tower on the rightthen carry on to the end of the walkway. Suspended is a sort ofwith no air and you now realize that the metal structure is a door withno obvious controls to open it. Down the ladder and into a metal tower.Check out the pressure gauge and valve operating wheels - are these thecontrols for inflating the airship? Jump out onto the surf board shapedplatform and look around.
There is another wheel out here and a broken walkway(Saavedro again) and if you look up, a ladder.Climb to the top, pick up more pages and grab the handle. It swings downand reveals an opening. Climb through and you find yourself overlookingthe crater.
Can you see a way to the far wall? Yup, it's a along the pipe. At the other end jump down and open the ventilatorcover. Crawl along until you see an opening below you. Thereis a window, a pedestal, a door and a ladder leading down. Unlock the door- it's the one you saw ages ago.
Climb down the ladder and look throughthe window. A bit warm in there: best leave it for now. TURNING ON THE POWERLeave the room through the door, go down the blue tunnel and step intothe pit. To one side is a panel showing a power distribution circuit - isone of the symbols the airship? On the other side is a ladder. Carry onthrough the tunnel, at the end is another door similar to that on the littleisland.
On the right is a ladder leading down but it is full of water. Goback to the ladder in the pit and climb up. Recognize where you are? Turnthe wheel and the. Lookingdown you can see a turbine which you cannot start as someone has sabotagedthe controls. Climb back down and go back to the submerged ladder.
Now freeof water, climb down and press the red button. Check out the generator,turn the crank and the gear wheel engages. Climb up and go back into themetal walled tunnel.
At the end is a broken window. Look through and youcan see the turbine.
Give one of the paddles a nudge and everything getsgoing.Now go to the locked door, and take a turn on the wheel. Jump off and youwill see a green light on the door.
Pokemon Detective Pikachu When ace detective Harry Goodman goes missing, his son embarks on a journey with Detective Pikachu to find him. Chasing clues together through the neon-lit streets of Ryme City they encounter a diverse cast of Pokemon characters and uncover a shocking plot that could threaten the whole Pokemon universe. Detective pikachu free online. Detective Pikachu (Detective Pikachu Birth of a New Combination in the Japanese version) is a Nintendo 3DS game that was announced on October 2013. It features as a Mystery Detective Game that the player can solve crimes with Pikachu as the player's partner and also introduced a new special rare Blue Pikachu to the series. Fancying himself a real detective, this Pikachu is gruff and never far from a hot cup of coffee. He’s also a big talker who considers himself to be among the best of the best! Detective Pikachu should finish in second place behind Avengers: Endgame this weekend with $53.6 million at 4,202 theaters. ‘Pokemon Detective Pikachu’ Box Office Powering To $58M; ‘Endgame. The movie in question stars the most famous pocket monster of all, Pikachu. And as odd as it might seem, Ryan Reynolds voices the animated Pikachu. After watching the movie, it'll make sense.
Go through and down. Thereis a viewer here where you can listen to Saavedro's rantings. Follow thetunnel to the end and climb down into. On the structure is the Riven number 1. Walking around youwill find four other numbers and some more pages. Look through the gap betweenthe metal panels - there seems to be a circuit.
Click on the buttons torotate the circuits until the pattern is complete. But take care, thereis more than one solution - you need to check each of the panels to makesure your solution is correct. If you are really stuck here is the solutionwhen viewed through the number 1 panel -:With the circuit complete, the system powers up - the last thing to dois inflate the airship. HOT AIRGo back to the lava room.
The control knob has been sabotaged - wonderwho that was? This next bit is really frustrating - you can move the knoba bit but it always ends up in the centre slot.
The trick is to click onthe knob and release, move it a little up or down and click again. It willrotate all the way round and a platform lowers. So far so good - the nextthing to do is turn on the fan in the lava room and bring the lava back.With the platform in the lower position, go down the ladder. Look throughthe window - the chamber is empty.
Open the door and climb onto the platform. Slide the lever to the left (gear moves to the left).Rotate the lever anticlockwise Slide the lever to the right (the gear moves)Rotate the lever clockwise (raise the platform again)Turn on the fan.Rotate the lever anticlockwise (to lower the platform).Slide the lever to the left (gear moves to the left).Rotate the lever anticlockwise (to lower the platform).Return to the control room and rotate the lever clockwise (to raise theplatform).Leave the control room either through the door or the ventilation shaftand return to the hot air controls below the airship. INFLATING THE AIRSHIPIf all is well steam is. Close any of the valves and note the rise in pressure onthe gauge. Looking up you can see two more sets of valves.
The trick hereis to set the needle exactly on the blue line.Close all the valves (pressure rises). Crank the lever over and go up.Close all the valves again and go up. Close all the valves. You should havenoted how much the pressure rose each time you closed a valve:Bottom = 10, middle = 4 top = 1You now need to reduce the pressure by 41. Open 3 valveson the top level, 2 on the centre and 3 on the bottom.Climb out on to the platform and open the valve you saw before. If thepressure is correct the airship inflates. Magic, the only problem is thatit crashes into the round door.
To open the door climb the ladder back upto the main walkway (not the one to the suspended pipe). Go to the trackjunction and walk round to the tower. Get in the elevator and pull the leverto go down. Walk all the way to the end and pull the lever to open the door.The airship drifts forwards and engages with the walkway. And pull the control lever.
Enjoy the ride.When you stop get out and operate the lever at the end of the platform- and watch.! Get back into the airshipand operate the control lever again. The green light is on so open the door.Climb down and open the hatch at the bottom. Retrieve the voltaic symbol.Looking around you spot a door in the wall, click on it and the J'naninbook appears. Time to leave.Activate the symbol and the.THE EDANNA LINKING BOOKFrom the tower go down to the beach, turn left and hop across the steppingstones.
Scrabble up the slope and down the stairs to the bridge. Cross thefirst bridge and you can see the door to the tusk but no way to get across.There are some red growths but not much else.Climb halfway down the ladder and step onto the ledge. There is a largeplant that, if you get close, amplifies sounds. Put down the plant and continuedown the ladder. At the bottom instead of going into the greenhouse, climbacross the rocks and press the top of the conical thing. Hey, a little animalappears. Turn round and click on the strange plant growing out of the water.Click again on the animal house and the creature runs across.
His squealing.This could be useful. Head back to the ledge (halfway up the ladder), and pan around until you can hear 'Squeak'. Click once andthe red plants inflate providing a path across to the tusk.Go inside the tusk and look down at the pedestal. Align the marbles inthe same position you set them up in the tower:Now press the button in the middle. A cage lowers and reveals the linkingbook to Edanna.
Off you go.THE AGE OF EDANNAArriving on Edanna you are on a small platform. Look into the centre ofthe flower and you can see a linking book. Pan right and you can see, one open and one closed.
That's where you need to go.But first: Edanna is a very organic place. Because it is dark in the lowerlevels, some plants have developed alternate means of gathering light, otherplants react to the light in different ways.Walk down the path to the vine and get transported up to the top. Go upthe path to the left and you will see a colourful bird fly in with foodfor her chick - now you know where the sounds were coming from. There isa so take a close lookat the avian family.Walk back back down to the vine and you will see it drawing water froman organic bowl. Now go through the opening in the wall and follow the patha little way until you come to the vine that is all closed up. There isa bowl nearby with what looks like a water bulb next to it.
Click on thebulb to make sure. You will also see the mother bird fly down into Edanna.Carry on up the path to the top.There is a palm of some sort and an orange bloom in shadow.
Click on thebulbous bit in the middle of the palm and it rises up revealing a linkingbook back to J'nanin and allows sunlight to fall on the orange bloom. Clickon the red stamen on the back of the flower and it opens revealing a lens.Look through the lens and you can see a pulsing hot spot. Pan around untilthe.The heat from the focussed beam explodes the bulb and the vine begins todrink.
These are all important clues which will help you solve later puzzles.Return to the vine and jump on board. After a bumpy ride you end up in thedepths of the forest.Follow the path a bit until you come to another bowl. There is a littleelectric fish in there. Carry on down the path until you come to an emptywater bulb on the right. Click on the spines and water flows down bringingwith it the electric fish.Turn round (picking up more pages) and go down the orange lit tunnel. Atthe bottom there is lots to see, much all out of reach. THE LOG PUZZLEWalk along the branch to the rotten log - it is covered with the strangetubers you used to get to the Edanna tusk (a clue here).
Suddenly thereis the sound of the mother bird in panic. Cross the log (hope it is strongenough) and go straight ahead into a hollow log. At the end turn on thelight and a leaf unfolds. Directly in front of you is the log bridge andbehind it a flat area. That is where you want to go. Walk down the leafand grab hold of the tee-shaped vine.
Swing across to the the.Landing safely, have a good look round. There is a little crank which raisesthe trap and a release mechanism connect to a string which leads back acrossto the leaf bridge. The first part of the puzzle here is how to trap ananimal.Raise the trap using the crank.
Shake the tree until one of the pink fruitsfalls to the floor. Go behind the crank and slide down into the hollow log.Turn right and walk out onto the leaf bridge. Arrives so pullon the handle to drop the trap.Now you know what animal the fruit attracts, you realize he may be ableto help you destroy the log bridge which is blocking your way to the ledgefar side of the forest.Reset the trap and shake another fruit free. This time kick it a bit furtheralong. Return to the leaf bridge and soon 'Squeak' turns up.
He picks upthe fruit and you release the trap. The frightened 'Squeak' runs off andcomplains bitterly from the log. The tubers react and the log crashes downinto the depths.
Fantastic, now you can swing across to the far ledge.Go left and turn on the light to unfurl the leaf. Carry on down the pathuntil you hear some frantic flapping. In front of you is a large trap witha very annoyed bird inside. If you played with Saavedro's experiments youwill know how to open the plant.
If not do not worry, the solution is givenbelow. FREEING THE BIRDCarry on down the path through the opening in the sea wall and you willsoon come an open area. On your right are some of Saavedro's paintings andanother deflated bulb. Fill the bulb with water and along comes the fishas well. Now turn to face the path. Go left and down until you come to anotherdish and deflated pod (near the green lights). Click on the pod to fillit with (who is probablyquite fed up by now).
Address the Allgod using the altar. FInd the Allgod using your Witcher Senses. Decision 3 wiki.
If you look up you can se the plant that has trappedthe bird. Its roots are in the dish - maybe releasing the fish will electrocutethe roots and force the plant to open. Look around now and you will seesome white orchids and one of those sun flowers. Carry on around the dishand you will end up next to a rolled up leaf. Nearby is also a viewer withanother boring message from Saavedro To go across the leaf we need light.Return to the ledge with Saavedro's painting and take the other path -following the thick vine root. At the bottom are three white orchids. Gounder the root arch and look into the lens of the furthest orchid.
Pan arounduntil you are focussed on the middle orchid. Go the the middle orchid look into the lens and find the rolled up leaf bridge.Aha, as if by magic the bridge unfurls.Head now for the leaf bridge. Step across and climb up the fungus encrustedhollow logs. At the top is the sun plant which is.
Climb up a bit further and focus the orchid on thesun flower. Return now to the three orchids on the other side of the bridge.Realign the furthest orchid with the other orchid (the one you can't getto). The light flashes to the sunflower, heating up the water and the bulbbursts. The electric fish now released attacks the roots and the trap opensfreeing the bird (hooray).The way out is on the other side so realign the orchid to unfurl the leafbridge. Cross the bridge and climb up the first hollow log.
At the top lookleft, there is another tunnel there - crawl inside and you will come outon another branch. Jump onto the tee-bar and down you go again.Go down the path to the end and turn left. In this clearing there is a. Follow the path all the wayup to reach another white orchid.
Look into the lens and pan about untilthe light shines onto the stamen of the huge plant. They rise up in thelight.Now go back down the path and keep looking right. There is another openingby the mushrooms. Go through it and in front of you is another of the hugeseed pods. This one is open and flitting above is a. Turn left and follow the path all the way down. Somebodyhas cut a hole in the vine, climb inside and crawl along to the end.
Itappears that you are inside the first seed pod you saw. The seeds look verymuch like those the mother bird was feeding to her chick. Maybe you canuse them to get a lift up to the linking book. THE RIDE HOMEClimb back out.
The puzzle here is to open the closed seed pod and callthe mother bird down.Climb all the way up the path through the hanging flowers. At the top isone of those palms you saw at the top of the tower- click on the centralbulb and the vine rises, blocking the light to the seed pod. Turn roundand follow the path all the way to the bottom. Walk round the seed pod andlook up to see the butterflies still there. Click on one of the fungal growthsnear the seed pod - the butterflies do not like the spores and fly away.Back once more to the seed pod root. Climb inside and crawl all the wayto the top which is now open.
Grab hold of the. Another cloud of spores is released and the bird returns to takeyou away. Enjoy the ride.Back on the top of the tower, look around and you will find a gap you canslide through.
And there is your goal - the Edanna symbol.Activate the symbol and a bridge slides out and you can link out to thelast age: Narayan.NARAYANYou arrive in Narayan facing some steps. Turn around and examinethe. You should recognizesome of the symbols.
And beneath these symbols are legends which may alsobe familiar if you bothered to read Atrus's notebook.Now climb the steps and turn left. There are two pedestals and a lever(none of which work), a blue force field and a gate. Looking through thegate you can see a suspended gondola.With nothing else to do, climb the metal staircase. Saavedro is there togreet you - he seems a little eccentric and he is wearing one of the tapestries.Take heed however of his warning that the doors the linking book open don'tclose behind you.
When he finally clears off look around until you findthe power lever. Give it a tug and everything powers up. Looking out overthe landscape you can see a series of.Go back down the stairs and over to the lever between the pedestals whichneeds to be pointing left.
Open the cover on the left pedestals. Lookingclosely you can see three sets of interlocked circles - one for each ofthe ages perhaps? Unfortunately the symbols you have are not enough.It is now time to read Atrus's journal if you have not already done so.Amongst all the clutter are four sets of four words emboldened. Take carefulnote of these. If you cannot find the word sets here they are.
Nature - Encourages - Mutual - DependenceEnergy - Powers - Future - MotionDynamic - Forces - Spur - ChangeBalanced - Systems - Stimulate - CivilizationNow go back to the tapestries. You will be able to find the symbols thatmatch the words but you will only be able to fully match three of the wordsets. Copy the symbols down carefully and return to the pedestal. If youclick on each of the circle arcs they light up.
Your job is to replicatethe symbols. The three parchments provide the position of 6 symbols. Theother 6 must be positioned so that the 4 words follow in the correct order:When the symbols for each age are complete the panel will light up.
Whenall three are entered, the pedestal closes and the force field turns itselfoff. Now for the other pedestal. Move the lever to the right(turning the force field back on) and open the hatch. There is only oneset of circles here. You need to find the four symbols that match the forthset of words from Atrus's journal.Move the lever to the left and.The outer force field is still activated. Have a look at the gondola ifyou like but do go down the stairs.
There is a linking book back to Tomahnabut what you really want is the Reeleshan book.Around the corner are more tapestries and on them you will find the missingsymbols. Back up the stairs pull the lever to the right again. Openthe cover on the pedestal and enter the last set of symbols:The outer force field opens and Saavedro delivers an ultimation. SAVE YOUR GAME NOW!What to do now. Do you let him go and return empty handed? Do you confronthim? Difficult decisions.
Remember, you need to return to Tomahna with theReleeshan Book and also prevent Saavedro from following you (open booksdo not close remember).Once you have tried every combination and still got nowhere here is thesolution:With Saavedro outside but contained by the outer force field, go upstairsand turn off all the power trapping Saavedro. Go back down and confrontSaavedro through the gate.
Trapped, Saavedro pleads for release to joinhis family and offers the Releeshan book in return. With the book safelyin your hands, move the pedestal lever to the right and turn the power backon. Saavedro bids you farewell and.Time to leave now. Move the lever back to the left and go down to the Tomahnalinking book.
Wave goodbye and return triumphant to. THE ENDIf you have found this walkthrough useful, discoveredan error or have a suggestion then let me know:.