Gonorrhea Images
There are many sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that people can get as a result of having oral sex, including gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia. Pictures and symptoms of common STDs. Gonorrhea: A bacterial infection that is transmitted by sexual contact. Gonorrhea is one of the oldest known sexually transmitted diseases , and it is caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria.Men with gonorrhea may have a yellowish discharge from the penis accompanied by itching and burning. More than half of women with gonorrhea do not have any symptoms.
Anyone who engages in oral sex with somebody who has a sexually transmitted disease can contract the disease themselves.Oral sex refers to when a person puts their mouth, tongue, or lips on the genitals or anus of another person.(STDs) that people can pass on through oral sex can infect multiple parts of the body, including the:. mouth. throat.
genitals. rectumIn this article, we take a look at STDs that people can spread through oral sex and their signs and symptoms.We also cover how people can transmit these STDs, along with their treatment options. Is an STD that Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria cause. SymptomsGonorrhea does not always cause symptoms. If people do notice symptoms, they may include:. a burning sensation when urinating.
a. unusual discharge from the vagina, penis, or rectum. swelling or pain in the testicles.
pain in the rectumTransmissionPeople can get gonorrhea as a result of having oral sex with someone who has a gonorrhea infection in the throat, vagina, penis, urinary tract, or rectum. Diagnosis and treatmentA doctor can take a urine sample to test for gonorrhea.
They may also take a swab from the:. throat. rectum.
urethra in males. cervix in femalesGonorrhea is treatable with, though some strains have now become resistant to antibiotics.If people continue to experience symptoms after receiving treatment for gonorrhoea, they should see their doctor again. OutlookIf a person does not seek treatment for gonorrhea, it can cause serious health complications, including:. an increased risk of. in females. in males. Neighbours from hell 2 download free full version for android. Is a common bacterial infection that Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria can cause.
SymptomsChlamydia infections often have no symptoms.However, if a person has a chlamydia infection in their throat, they may have a sore throat.If they have an infection of the rectum, genitals, or urinary tract, symptoms may include the following:. unusual discharge, such as blood, from the vagina, penis, or rectum. a burning sensation when urinating.
pain in the rectum. swelling or pain in the testiclesTransmissionPeople can get chlamydia as a result of having oral sex with someone who has a chlamydia infection. People with a chlamydia infection in the throat, vagina, penis, or rectum can pass on the infection. Diagnosis and treatmentDoctors can diagnose chlamydia by taking a urine sample or a vaginal swab for females.People can treat chlamydia by taking antibiotics.
They should avoid having sex until they have completed the course of treatment. OutlookChlamydia is treatable with antibiotics. It is important that people seek treatment for chlamydia, as it can spread to a sexual partner if they do not treat it.It can also cause serious health problems, including:. infertility in females. in males.
of HIV infection. passing the infection to a child (in pregnant women). Syphilis can cause swollen lymph nodes and a sore throat.People may not notice any symptoms from syphilis, and the first signs are usually mild. There are four stages of a syphilis infection, and each stage has different symptoms:Primary.
firm, round sores at the site of infection, which may be painlessSores can last for and are self-healing. When the sore heals, the infection is still present. For this reason, it is important that a person continues to receive treatment.Secondary. a rough, red rash on the skin. sores on the mouth, genitals, or anus.
red-brown spots on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet. a sore throat. weight loss. aching muscles.Even if these symptoms pass without treatment, it is essential that people still get treatment to remove the infection and prevent it from progressing to further stages.LatentThe latent stage of syphilis has no symptoms.
Without treatment, people may have a syphilis infection for many years without noticing any symptoms.TertiaryPeople do not usually develop tertiary syphilis, but it can happen after first getting the infection if they do not seek testing and treatment at the time.People may notice severe complications if they have tertiary syphilis, which may include:. damage to internal organs. changes in visionNeurosyphilis occurs when syphilis spreads to the brain or nervous system. Symptoms of neurosyphilis can include:. headaches. difficulty moving parts of the body. numbness.Tertiary syphilis can be fatal if a person does not receive treatment.
TransmissionPeople can get syphilis by engaging in oral sex with a person who has syphilis, specifically by coming into direct contact with a syphilis sore or rash. Diagnosis and treatmentA doctor will take a blood test to check whether a person has syphilis.
If people have sores, a doctor may test fluid from the sore.The earlier people receive treatment for syphilis, the easier it is to cure. Doctors can use a injection to treat type of this infection. OutlookSyphilis can cause severe complications and can even be fatal if a person does not receive treatment. If left untreated, syphilis can cause:.
stillbirth. increased risk of HIV.
damage to organs. blindnessIf someone has a syphilis infection while pregnant, they can also pass the infection to their baby. Is the STD in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). SymptomsPeople with may have no symptoms. However, HPV can cause:. on or around the genitals or anus.
warts in the throatIf people have warts in the throat, they may feel breathless or have difficulty speaking. TransmissionPeople can get HPV through giving oral sex to anyone who has an HPV infection in the genital area, anus, or rectum.People with an HPV infection in the throat can also pass on the infection by giving oral sex to a partner. Diagnosis and treatmentThere is that healthcare providers use to detect HPV, especially in the mouth or throat. Some people may find out that they have HPV if they get an abnormal test result from screening, or.Others may find out that they have it if they develop or other complications.People can treat warts from an HPV infection but not the virus itself. A person can remove warts by taking certain medicines or undergoing surgery.
Sometimes, the warts disappear by themselves. OutlookHPV often goes away without treatment.Even if people treat the warts, they can still spread the HPV infection to sexual partners.Some types of HPV can cause, including cervical cancer. Many females do not develop cervical cancer if they receive the correct treatment for HPV.People can get an HPV vaccine to help protect against the diseases that HPV can cause.
Is an infection that the herpes simplex virus can cause. SymptomsHerpes often produces no symptoms, or very mild ones.
The main symptoms following initial infection may include:. painful or itchy sores around the genital area, rectum, or mouth. headache. fever.
aching body. swollen glandsTransmissionPeople can get herpes as a result of having oral sex if a partner has a herpes infection in the mouth, genital area, rectum, or anus. Diagnosis and treatmentA doctor may take a skin sample from a sore for testing, or they may perform a blood test to help diagnose herpes.Although there is no cure for herpes, people can take antiviral medicine to reduce or prevent the symptoms. OutlookWith or without treatment, people can spread herpes infections to sexual partners. Taking daily medicine can help reduce the chance of passing on the infection, however.Having herpes can increase the risk of getting an HIV infection, and pregnant women can pass on herpes to their infant.
Treatment for trichomoniasis may involve taking a course of antibiotics.People will need to see their healthcare provider for laboratory tests to check for trichomoniasis, as a doctor cannot diagnose it just from the symptoms.People can treat trichomoniasis by taking a single dosage of antibiotic medicine that can also destroy parasites.To prevent getting another infection, people should make sure that their sexual partners also receive treatment. OutlookPeople can easily treat trichomoniasis by taking oral medication. Is a virus that causes of the liver. SymptomsThe symptoms of A tend to develop after an average of from exposure to the virus. These symptoms can include:. fever. tiredness.
nausea. loss of appetite. pain or discomfort in the abdomenTransmissionHepatitis A transmission mainly occurs through oral-fecal contact. As a result, a person could contract hepatitis A by performing oral-anal sex with someone who has the virus. Diagnosis and treatmentBlood tests can detect the hepatitis A virus if someone has it.There is no cure for the virus, so doctors will often recommend that a person with the infection rests for and avoids intimate contact with other people. OutlookAlthough hepatitis A can make people feel very unwell, it rarely causes any complications. Is another virus that causes inflammation of the liver.
SymptomsIn many cases, hepatitis B causes few or no symptoms. When symptoms do appear, they can include:. a rash. joint pain and stiffness. fever.
tiredness. nausea.
loss of appetite. yellowing of the skin and eyes. dark urine.
pain or discomfort in the abdomenTransmissionPeople with a infection can pass on the virus in their semen or vaginal secretions during oral sex. Diagnosis and treatmentDoctors can diagnose hepatitis B by performing a blood test.
It can take anywhere between for the virus to appear in a person’s blood. The test will determine if the infection is acute or chronic.There is no specific treatment for an acute hepatitis B infection, and most people will fully recover after a short amount of time.Doctors will treat a chronic hepatitis B infection with medication to slow the progression of the virus and support the immune system.
People with an acute infection will typically make a full recovery once the virus has run its course. OutlookIn severe cases, hepatitis B can lead to chronic infection, scarring of the liver, and even death. A vaccine is available to help protect people from this virus, however. Early symptoms of HIV can include fever and fatigue.A person will need to undergo a test to receive a diagnosis of HIV, as it does not always cause symptoms.The symptoms that a person experiences depend on the stage of the HIV virus.Early stagePeople may experience symptoms similar to the, which can include:.
fever. aching muscles. a sore throat. chills. swollen lymph glands.
night sweatsClinical latency stagePeople may experience mild symptoms or none at all during this stage. TransmissionThe risk of passing on HIV through oral sex is very low, and the person giving oral sex would need to have an open wound in their mouth in order to catch it.With the correct treatment, a person with HIV cannot transmit the virus to another person. Diagnosis and treatmentA healthcare provider can perform a blood or saliva test to determine whether a person has HIV.Although there is currently no cure for HIV, it is possible to manage the condition effectively with the correct treatment.
Treatment for HIV consists of a regimen of antiretroviral drugs called antiretroviral therapy. OutlookIf people with HIV take medications as prescribed, they can reduce the amount of the virus in their bloodstream to an undetectable level.They can live a long and healthy life and avoid passing it on to sexual partners.
If people are having sexual intercourse or oral sex, they can take the following steps to help prevent STDs:. use a condom every time they have sex. use a dental dam every time they have oral sex. be in a mutually monogamous relationship where both partners have had STD tests. get regular tests for STDsIf a person does not have access to a dental dam, they can make one at home using a condom. To make a dental dam, follow these steps:.
Cut off the tip of the condom. Cut off the elastic ring at the base of the condom. Make one cut down the length of the condom. Open the condom up into a square.
Place the dental dam across the vaginal or anal area.