Slay The Spire Reddit
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Today reddit announced that its management would begin actively. How Slay the Spire's Original Interface Almost Killed the Game War. Take part in unique combat encounters in your Slay The Spire Mods Reddit, choose the best strategy, and get ready to put to death all enemies in your Slay The Spire Mods Reddit now! Take part in unique combat encounters in your Slay The Spire Mods Reddit, choose the best strategy, and get ready to put to death all enemies in your Slay The Spire.
Strictly better than a Strike/Defend' is a bad metric to judge cards. If the only reason you want to take a card is for this reason, it is better to not take it.Remember that basically every Attack card is better than Strike, and every block card is better than a Defend. You want to look for cards that synergise well with your deck type, or plug weaknesses.0 mana cards are not free. They still take up a slot in your deck that could have been a better card.0 mana cards with cantrips are different, and are actually free. King rabbit food. Taking 0 mana cards are also OK with certain decks (decks that benefit from playing lots of attacks, or decks with lots of draw but little energy).Try to get rid of the junk cards like Strike/Defend.If you followed points 3 and 4, the weakest cards in your deck are going to be Strike and/or Defend. Once you start getting rid of them, your deck improves substantially, since you get to your good cards faster.I will say that NL does seem to be improving, judging by his tweets.
So these tips may be too late.And despite everything, I do enjoy watching the series. I would say that deckbuilding in this game is VERY difficult. Just to corroborate, I've found that the ideal deck size is somewhere around 25-30 cards. Going less than 20 is basically greedy; it can work out really well if you get the right synergies and a lot of card removal, but if you don't get that your deck just ends up with really low card quality and you get bodied by wound-inflicting enemies.
If you go much higher than 35, I've found that deck reliability nosedives, even in well-rounded decks that don't really care about drawing specific cards. I think it has something to do with card clustering; basically, if you get a hand full of one type of cards (attack cards, defense cards, half of a synergy cards) then it throws off your deck for much longer in a larger deck.
The clear and obvious misplays hurt so much worse than him making poor deck building choices. I think the hardest was:. Enemy about to attack. Egg Boi hits, leaving enemy at 2 HP.
Decides to not bother playing Spot weakness 'Don't need it next turn to deal 2 damage'At step 1, he clearly didn't consider the spot weakness, same with step 2. But suddenly at step 3 he knows about it, and hasn't registered he just made a really obvious mistake.While also maddening, this is a far cry from him taking Barricade when he has almost no good defend cards, and then even playing it for literally zero value. If you've watched NL play games for a long time then you'll know he probably won't ever slow down and read things. That's just not his style. He is very impatient and is more focused on entertainment than winning. Over long periods of time he starts to get good because he learns from mistakes - not reading strategy guides or planning ahead. It will be a good 200 episodes before egg starts to impress anyone with his choices and plays.
The nice thing is, as the viewer, you aren't subjected to 5 minutes of 'should I do this? I just can't decided. Let's weigh the pros and cons.' Instead we get mindless banter about kinks and hotdogs while he passes the turn with 2 energy.
That's why we're all here. Not for record breaking win streaks.Austin is better at the game but I couldn't stand watching him play because every mediocre choice took him 30+ seconds to make. They were more correct but I was turned off by all the dead air and sandbagging.In other news can we discuss how insanely good Snecko Eye is? I don't think I've ever lost a run with it. Grab it from the first boss reward and take 2-3 cost cards for the rest of the run. Steamroll the game. Good times.
So here's a scenario I've faced several times and I'm just not sure how to handle it.I start a run as The Silent and wait to see if I'll get some cards for a shiv deck or some for a poison deck. After the first couple combats I get neither. And then I get a poison strike.
And then I go a few more rooms without either. And then I get a Blade Dance. And then I go a few more and come across a Catalyst. That's all I've got after the first boss.Do I just tick that run off as bad RNG and such or is there a way people deal with those kind of runs and find success?. The thing is, synergy isn't how you win runs. Good deck construction is how you win runs, and if you construct a deck well, then when you are afforded the opportunity to take a synergy you are easily able to take it.You don't do a shiv run, or a poison run, or a discard run.
You just choose good effective cards, and if you get happen to get a relic or cards that synergize well try to focus more on that.A good way is to think of it in tiers of cards. There are amazing cards, which also happen to work well with synergies. You should be focusing mostly on getting those kinds of cards, along with generally good cards.
If you happen to get a synergy deck going, then expand to B or C tier cards that play into the synergy as well, otherwise just focus on getting good cards. Pommel Strike I would probably give A tier to.
Its good and reliable, but really needs upgrading to get the full value out of it. S tier would be something like Headbutt. It doesn't require upgrading, and no matter what deck you play it is going to be useful. Something like Body Slam would be B tier. Very powerful, but kind of requires a specific combination to work.
Other S tier cards in my opinion would be double tap, never really a time that isn't amazing, the 0 cost draw 3 card, unless you are fighting the time lord there is absolutely no cost to it and free cards. Uppercut I would probably say is an S tier card, mainly because of the upgrade.Noxious Fumes I would say is S tier.
It doesn't matter if you are making a discard deck or a shiv deck or a poison deck, or just a general deck. That stacking poison is amazing. I would say Burst is S tier as well, it gives amazing defensive potential, and with the right cards amazing offensive potential. Adrenaline rush I think its called would be S tier, it is literally free energy and cards. Footwork and Inflame within reason I also would rank S tier, because powers are quite strong and they don't really clutter up your deck in the long run. Tools of the Trade is great even without a discard deck, as well as Well Laid Plans.As I said, there are cards out there that when you see them, you take them, and it doesn't really much matter what deck you are building.
What exactly is an S tier card might vary a bit person to person, but they definitely exist. There are plenty of cards either with extremely powerful general effects, or with literally zero cost that are amazing. I definitely see what you're saying, but its very difficult at times to choose which of the three options I get every battle. Do I go for something I consider S tier? Do I go for a defensive card at this point in time? If I'm offered an S tier Attack/Power card, do I ignore the B tier defensive card?All of this makes Slay the Spire a difficult game for me since I think my deckbuilding skills aren't that good but it also makes it a game with incredible longevity I feel, even with the limited content it has right now. My success rate went way up when I stop thinking about synergy.
The deck building is more about having 'the answer'. Most of the time, you only need 1/5 of your deck with synergy to do well, more than that is just fancy overkill.
That equals 5-6 cards, and there's no need to get all of that in 1 floor.As an example, the Time Eater boss just hard counter cheap card deck (which means shivs build would be very bad vs her). This means you need to have an answer to that: get high value card, card that scale (like footwork), etc.So on the first floor if I start to get some 'ok card' and no clear synergy, I would start taking high quality card even if it would be useless later - those thing save the day on the first floor.Another way to look at it is having 1 card of each style so you will always have a way out. That means you need at least 1 cheap card, 1 heavy hitting card, one 'save your skin' card, 1 draw card, 1 scale card, etc.Never risk taking more than 1 card of that above type, because you would risk having a bloated hand.
A way to counter that is having good draw/discard cards in the deck. I haven’t played this game yet (but have watched all of NLs videos), but I do have a question.Early on in runs, or sometimes straight up at the beginning at the whale, NL will purge a strike/defend from his deck. Is it worth doing this that early? I can see the benefits once you build a deck archetype and have some good attacks and such, but I feel like you’re crippling yourself if the very first thing that you do is take cards away from a deck that has so few to begin with.Is this wrong??.